A few weeks ago, I received three cases of Nestea Viteo to try. Three flavours - Fuji Apple Green Tea, Acai Blueberry Red Tea, and Mandarin Orange White Tea. Classified in Canada 'as Natural Health Products (NHP), are defined as vitamins and minerals, herbal remedies, homeopathic medicines, traditional medicines such as traditional Chinese medicines, probiotics, and other products like amino acids and essential fatty acids. Since NESTEA Vitao™ is enhanced with vitamins (C, E) and minerals (calcium), it is classified as a Natural Health Product rather than a traditional beverage.' (source)
So good for you and good to drink. It could only be a win-win.
Well, kinda.
Chilled, all three varieties looked and smelled attractive. The Fuji Apple tasted like fresh, crisp apple juice with a distinct-but-not-un-tasty tea aftertaste that quickly became the favorite of my family. My husband took it to work and declared it better than his usual soda, my children smacked their lips after a hot day at play. Viteo came with us to swimming lessons, on long car trips, and coffee breaks. In a tall frosty glass, it was appealing and delicious.
The apple got rave reviews, the Acai Blueberry Red Tea seemed a little sweet to me (and a bit murky - almost grape-flavoured?) but was great for my daughter, and my husband loved that it had both rooibos and blueberry extracts.
The Mandarin Orange White Tea was a bit of a disappointment. Not quite orange-y enough to seem like orange juice, with a flat (metallic?) aftertaste, not even pouring it over ice in a chilled glass rescued it from being relegated to the back of the pack. The recipe booklets sent with the product, with everything from Spiced Pork Tenderloin with Black Tea Reduction to Red Tea Panna Cotta had me thinking about how I could use drinks to cook with and garnered oohs and aahs and 'why don't you cook that??s from my family.
We were sad when they were all gone and will be buying more of the Fuji Apple Green Tea soon.
Thanks, Coke Canada!
Full disclosure: I was sent three cases of Nestea Viteo to my house for myself and my family to consume, with the expectation that I would blog about my experience, good or bad. I was not otherwise compensated for this post.